Monday, May 16, 2011

Can Binaural Beats Help You Grow Taller?

Have you heard of people using binaural beats to grow taller? Although there is no scientific proof that listening to audio really can make you grow taller.

This principle is based on the production of low frequency sound the human ear can not hear. The use of two different waves of sound in each ear, the difference in the frequency of brain waves produced some very important in helping you grow.

Two strokes of different frequencies will cause the brain to vibrate increase in the production of HGH is necessary to increase the height of a person. Binaural beats can do this by creating similar brain waves to brain waves of a person in a deep sleep. And we all know that is our deepest sleep, there are higher levels of growth hormone.

There are some things that should be avoided by using binaural beats to grow. It is advisable to listen to this frequency, if:

* driving
* operating any equipment
* when you have certain health conditions like sleep apnea and epilepsy
* when you have heart problems

It is advisable to use ear phones to separate the sounds for the left and right ear. This will also ensure that you will avoid or diminish any outside interference. Also, listen to the beats at a comfortable hearing level.

It is important that you are very relaxed when listening to the sound and not think about anything . Just empty your mind of anything for several minutes. Pick a place that is comfortable, quiet and use dimmed lighting. Listen to it once in the morning at once at night before bed to get the best benefits of growing taller.

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